Sexy Pleasure Premium vSexy APK

Sexy Pleasure Premium vSexy
Requirements: Android 1.0+
Overview: The premium Version of Sexy Pleasure allows you to join the community, share your own dares, download dares from other people, and to play without a single add.
Sexy Pleasure Premium vSexy APK
The game is based on the famous "truth or dare". Each partner is going to receive a dare, based on his choice. This dare could be soft or hotter. Each "hotness" worth a precise amount of point:

- "soft" worth 1 point
- "hot" worth 2 points
- "hard" worth 3 points
- "Kamasutra" worth 4 points

If the partner accepts the dare, he'll win that amount of point. He can always refuse a dare, but in that case, he'll lose that amount of point!

The goal of the game is to give and receive the best pleasure you have ever had. At the end of the game, the partner that won the most point will win the right to gain the 7th heaven!

This game is the perfect way to regain the love of your partner. In only several dares, you'll discover new sensations, new positions, and to realize any fantasies you could have imagine.

You can choose which are your preferences and create any personnalized dares. This game is trully endless!

Use it everywhere, everyday, you'll love it!

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